Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Aggress against Lucifer and His Synagogue, against the Incarnate Demons and Servants of Satan
Message from Saint Joan of Arc to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on April 24, 2024

Advance My valiant one, advance. Spread messages, prayers, devotions, novenas. Obey only God and Mary Most Holy Virgin of Reconciliation.
The false church is working curses, hexes, sorcery, spells on the Small Remnant.
True believers follow Fatima that continues now in Brindisi. True believers follow this Heavenly Revelation, without doubt and perplexity, crush the head of Satan and his servants.
Strengthen yourselves and crush demons. Whoever judges, criticizes, attacks, slanders this Divine Work, is not of God and should be turned away and not believed in anything. False believers and false pastors! Do not believe them or follow them.
Turn away from them: instruments of the Evil One. Be vigilant. It is time for Holy War.
Aggress against Lucifer and his synagogue, against the incarnate demons and servants of Satan.
Remember that anyone who attacks this Appeal, calling it false, will be punished and will see divine wrath strike him.
Divine curses will descend upon those: rebels, persecutors and opponents of the Divine Appeal.
The Heavenly Court speaks and must be heard, believed, devoutly accepted without vain doubts.
Believe, pray, fight against demons and various temptations.
Stand firm in the faith, faithful to the Message of Brindisi. Heaven is speaking in Brindisi. Do not follow the false prophets who defend the Luciferian imposture of pagan Rome, New Babylon.
Follow My example: obedience and submission to God. Not to corrupt human, not to Freemason bishops. They tighten the times. The Lamb will triumph over the infernal Beast. Stand firm in the True Creed and pray to Benedict XVI, Great Pope.
Follow the Brindisi Appeal, turning away from those who persecute, discredit, denigrate, defame this Work: they are false prophets and false heretical believers.
In the Name of the Lamb turn them away and do not read writings defending the false Church of Rome.
Those who defend the Imposture and the new ruling Sadducees in Rome are not our envoy or representative.
Those who curse Brindisi insult the Holy Spirit, drawing harsh divine chastisements.
I bless you, the Little Remnant, the true believers and true ministers, who defend Fatima and the True Catholic Creed.
Let there be no lack of holy altars in homes. Take Spiritual Communion often.
God is especially present at the Garden of Graces and Healings, Garden of Miracles. Come, come, come. Every fifth day come and pray. Help this Work always. Defend it from Satan's assassins and false prophets of today. Pray to Me, Amen.
Prayer to Saint Joan of Arc
O Glorious Warrior Joan of Arc: give us strength against the adversaries of the Divine Kingdom.
Help us to fight Satan and his demons.
Help us to remain faithful to the Fatima Appeal and the True Creed.
Turn souls away from the false church and save them in time.
Guide us to God the Divine Trinity.
Make us meekly accept these Supernatural Messages and make us grow in grace and wisdom.
Bless us, deliver us from all physical and spiritual enemies, from every disease.
Let every evil done upon us be undone.
Destroy Satan and his demonic empire.
Make Christ Eternal Truth triumph.
Deliver us from temptation and doubt, wrath and discord. Give us peace and stability in God Love.
Save us from the false reigning church, and from false prophets and apostate false believers.
We entrust ourselves to you, guide and protector of the Little Remnant together with Mary Most Holy and St. John the Evangelist. Praise, honor, glory, veneration to you Maid of Orleans, Daughter of France. Amen.